Jason was working for the population police. When he informed the population police of the 3rd children, but when they come to arrest the 3rd children they arrest him instead.
The population police probably did this just in case he was a 3rd

Negative and positive word power

Words have negative and positive effects. If you went and told someone you like their shoes that would be positive word power and it could have made their day. Words also have a negative effect, though. Instead of complimenting that persons shoes you could have called their shoes ugly. That could have ruined their day. In the article it states “Rejection hurts” Social exclusion is when someone bullies you and you feel unwanted. That is rejection. It shows that if someone say something mean to you, you would feel rejected, and rejection hurts.

What is power

Power sometimes is control. The president is in control of America therefor he has power. Power is defined as the ability to do something or act a certain way, it could also be the ability to influence something. A bully could influence the choice of his/her victim. There is also standard power like powering a house, electric power.